Friday, February 22, 2008


Last night I attended the boys’ school dance with them. The music was loud and awful, and I didn’t recognize any of it.

The night before the dance, Winston decided that he was going to wear “my shiny black pants [chinos], my Christmas shirt [striped oxford cloth], and my bowtie.” Simon, who was dressed in his uniform of cargo pants, black hooded Princeton sweatshirt, and stocking cap, said, “You’re looking at what I’m wearing.” They’re so funny—and different, those two. But, that’s really what they each wore to school and, hence, to the dance last night.

I arrived at DC after work, as close to 6 p.m. as possible without being late, and ran into Natalie, who was picking up her kids. Even though she just wanted to go home, I convinced her to keep me company since I was spouseless (John had an orientation for next week’s competition). I had a nice time chit-chatting with her before Anders and Annika each had enormous meltdowns and Natalie fled, leaving me to face the dance alone. Some of the fifth and sixth graders are pretty big.

I tried to find Simon and Winston in the dark gym. Win was running around, taking laps with his buddies. Simon was up by the stage dancing. He was so into it, and he’s got some moves. Watching him dance and marveling that he's my kid, was the highlight of the evening. And, when we got home, he tried doing the Worm in the den.

Even though the workweek was short, I am thorough exhausted. We have few plans for the weekend. One of John’s coworkers, who is on his competition team, is bring her son over to play with the boys while she and John have practice tomorrow. John and I are trying to get a sitter for Saturday night so we might have a date. We have an invitation to go skiing on Sunday but I feel some nesting coming on. A long walk on River Road (just me and my iPod), finishing a few books—and starting a few—and some baking are more my speed.

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