Wednesday, August 27, 2008

wiki wednesday

It's time for Wiki Wednesday!

1. Go to wikipedia.
2. Click on "random article" on the left-hand sidebar.
3. Post it.

At first I randomly received few-body systems, which pretty much made me want to put my eyes out. So I exercised my seldom-used right to click the "random" button again. Seems we're having a science-tastic day! Even if you don't read the following selection—and who could blame you if you didn't?—please click on the link to voltage-gaged potasium channel to see a very colorful diagram of the structure. This is just of taste:
Voltage-gated potassium channels are transmembrane channels specific for potassiumsensitive to voltage changes in the cell's membrane potential. They play a crucial role during action potentials in returning the depolarized cell to a resting state.

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