When I last made an appearance here, our router was getting ready to die. John upgraded our high-speed internet service so finally, as of today, it should be zippier. However, I have yet to see evidence of high speed anything. My “connection” to the web is tenuous, which is maddening. My favorite sites don’t load fast enough so I’m wasting fabulous amounts of time on daily “housekeeping.” Forget about using the internet to job search—what a joke.
We bought a new router, but John is having problems getting it to do what it’s supposed to do, despite the simplicity of running it—plug it in, load some software, and go. SLOW food, SLOW cycling, SLOW lifestyle all good, yes. SLOW computer, not so much. Itsa making me CRAZY.
I suppose I should also lament my dependence upon the internet. But I truly do think it was the most genius thing invented. It has become my lifeblood for staying connected to friends (and not vis a vis Facebook either, but through forums—my communities, larger than tribe), for looking for a job (can’t tell you the last time I found a job in the newspaper), and for entertainment when TV fails to hold my attention (which is often, despite having more than 200 cable channels).
Also, new topic. I’m in excruciating pain. Don’t know what I did to my neck and shoulder, but I’m experiencing a sharp, searing pain that runs down the right side of my neck, radiates over my shoulder, and extends back through my scapula. My amateur diagnosis is—drum roll—inactivity. Since the weather changed from warm fall to cold fall, I’ve not been on my bike, and I certainly haven’t expanded my yoga practice as intended. And it kills me that daily exercise is necessary to keep from completely falling apart. For a few years, between pregnancies, I worked with a personal trainer, Mia, who saved my sanity many times over. She used to say about exercise, "You don't have to love it. You just have to do it." So true. So tru.
I felt somewhat better—just a dull ache—after yoga on Sunday. Then, I went and raked and bagged leaves, and dumped forty bags at the compost site. There is no comfortable way to sleep, and I can’t turn my head. Before you tell me to shut up already and haul myself to the doctor, I am going to see a massage therapist later this week. Until then, I just want to complain here and wallow in it a smidge—sometimes it’s like that, you know? Thanks for bearing with me.
Oh, gotta go. Planning to indulge in some retail therapy. I just know that I’m going to feel so good spending money (I don’t really have right now) (okay, I do have this kind of money to spend) (I’m just trying to get used to spending less) on someone else’s behalf. My sister’s birthday is in ten days and this year, for once, I’d like her to be able to open a present on her special day—it’s a big one for her!! Besides, it really does make me feel better to expend good energy and deeds toward someone else.
UPDATE: The new router is working AND I'm getting a signal in the farthest reaches of the house, where just hours ago we had no signal. This means that I can surf the web and blog while I'm watching TV. Suddenly my life has improved. I'm kind of excited by the possibility of conducting my job search from the coach tomorrow while I'm watching Sex in the City episodes.
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