Tuesday, December 09, 2008

dear santa

A few nights ago, Winston composed a letter to Santa. It's pretty sweet.

You can see a sample of his writing here. Don't read it too closely, or you're apt to get a migraine. There is, for example, no punctuation, and he often writes his Bs as Ds. Scroll down for the translation.

Dear Santa,
I have been nice this year. If you want, I will be nicer. [N.B.: don't you love that?]

I have helped people and I have made everybody's days better. It's fun helping people.

I know that if I be a bad boy, I will get a bag of charcoal. But I am not going to get one this year. I am totally not going to this year. A mean kid would get it but I am not going to get one.

I am glad that you are here to think about the kins [sic]. I want a lot of toys. I like Santa.

Sincerely, from Winston
Since Winston wrote and wrote to fill an 8.5x11 sheet of paper with his letter, we bought him a notebook that he can use to journal. I think it's pretty funny that he got so caught up in writing the letter that he forgot to make his list.

I truly hope Winston gets what he wants from Santa this year!

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