Monday, February 02, 2009

25 random things about me (with bonuses if you've already read this on fb)

1. I own more books than I will ever be able to read in my lifetime, a fact that sometimes makes me sad.

2. Aside from kidsitting, my first job was as a lifeguard at the country club where my parents were members. The kids hated me because I would scoop the salamanders and frogs out of the pool before they arrived, thus robbing them of all their fun and forcing them to run on the wet deck, for lack of anything more exciting to do.

3. The last time I intentially tanned was the summer I was a lifeguard, and I still have the tanlines on my back to show for it.

4. Cream or milk in my coffee makes me gag, but I can only drink tea if it's white and sweet.

5. Secretly, I kind of enjoy being unencumbered by a job.

6. The first album I owned was Donnie and Marie Osmond's first record. It was a gift.

7. The last album I bought was the Black Keys' "Attack and Release." It wails.

8. The use of jargon is one of my hugest pet peeves. I agree that it can grant groups a common language, but mostly it's overused to the point where it loses all of its power.

9. During the 80s, I was certain the world would end in the poof of a mushroom cloud and had recurring dreams of nuclear annihilation.

10. Despite living in the upper midwest for my entire life, I'm a total wuss when it comes either temperature extreme. Can't stand the heat, can't stand the cold. And, I like to tell everyone I'm miserable in both.

11. I once walked barefoot across a bed of red hot coals.

12. I take sledding very seriously.

13. I once flew to Jacksonville, FL, but my luggage flew to Jackson Hole, WY.

14. All my best fantasies involve eating scrumptious food in exotic locales.

15. I am an unrepentant Francophile. I have spent more vacations in France than anywhere else. If I had my way, my next vacation would be spent there, too.

16. I am mildly addicted to the clean, bright flavors of Vietnamese food.

17. I prefer lime to lemon.

18. My biggest regret is drifting from cherished friends.

19. I can read music easily but have no ear for notes and cannot carry a tune.

20. It makes me cringe when I hear people use "reference" as a verb, when what they really mean is "refer."

21. I rode my bike across the state of Iowa, from west to east. In case you were wondering, Iowa is approximately 500 miles wide.

22. I am astonished and pleased by the thought of having spent almost half my life with my handsome husband.

23. I'm ultra nice, according to my son Winston, not ultra bossy, like kings and queens.

24. My favorite holiday is whichever one prominently features chocolate.

25. The sound of laughter is music to my ears. I was first drawn to John by his laugh, which I heard across a room before I ever saw his face.

Bonus things about me:
26. I live by former SMP colleague Jeff Cope's motto: "The only job I want is the one I already have."

27. I love the calm that aging brings but the creakiness, not so much.

28. Contrary to popular belief, given that I work in the publishing industry and devour books, I was not an English major.

29. Political science was my major, although I currently cannot listen to ANY political commentary without incurring a major headache.

30. When it comes to snacks, I'm more of a salty person.

31. Also, I swear a bluestreak, much to everyone's consternation.

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