Thursday, March 18, 2010


Recently I found a small stash of goodies that I bought in Sweden last summer. Fortunately these candies are the kind that don't have a shelf life, and they've been stored safely. I have to admit that I'm moderately addicted and will need to find a source once they're gone.

What's to love? The name—Kryptoniter. The appearance—fussy pink with black piping. The Swedes, and Scandanavians in general, have a special fondness for licorice. Some licorice candies are a lot better than others, and Kryptoniter happens to be one that combines a few fine features. First, the lozenge is coated with a tart sugar, which is not dissimilar from a mild Sour Patch Kid. Then you hit the sweet hard candy, followed moments later by salt. I haven't yet learned to appreciate salt licorice, but can tolerate it when combined with sugary brightness. 

And for a moment I was transported back to a 13th century house and its attic-room views of the Baltic.

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