Tuesday, May 25, 2010

soccer star

Simon played an outstanding soccer game tonight. He hustled and fought for the ball in every single position he played, and he played all the positions—forward, midfield, and defense. He’s great at defense. Although he’s never articulated as much, I can see that he likes the big-picture nature of strategizing from down field. He’d rather defend the goal than have to score.
But tonight he played with an aggression we don’t typically see from him but that we encourage him to do. Not sure what inspired him—perhaps he decided that it was his time to shine?—whatever. While playing midfield, he popped a ball “over the heads of three players” right into the goal. Boom!
As soon as Simon was subbed out, he ran around the field and asked if we could celebrate with dinner at the Groveland Tap. And we did.
I am so proud of son number one.
N.B.: The picture was taken this past fall after a particularly cold and wet game. Now, Simon wears number 20, and, as he said, "It's the last number I'll ever wear."

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