Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Today I got on my road bike for the first time in two years and took a training ride. Admittedly, I was a little nervous about getting on my bike, concerned that the extra weight I have gained over the past three years would cause a tire to blow. So silly.

The ride wasn't long, just up to the Cathedral and back, but I tried to make every mile count and kept the cadence as high as I dared for being so out of shape.

When the endorphins kicked in around Mile 2, I wept like someone in mourning, desperate to cast off the slothful attitudes I have taken toward exercise. I don't like to exercise, but I do love to ride my bike. When I am in the saddle, I feel so strong and confident and free. Perhaps this feeling is rooted in nostalgia for that time in childhood when i realized wheels were freedom and for when I felt fearless.

As I enter another new chapter in my professional life, I long to harness this confidence and the ease to push myself harder as I do when I have wheels beneath me.

PS: here's another first...blogging on my phone. The digital age is truly amazing!!

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