Thursday, September 18, 2008

what I talk about when I talk about cycling

~ Chastise myself for waiting so long to ride today that my twenty-mile ride turned into an eight-mile ride.

~ Wave to my neighbor, Lindsay. She and her husband have matching white Audi station wagons. They each handwash their cars. Often.

~ Admire the Obama yard sign I installed earlier today. We've never ever before had a yard sign. My friend Katherine had a Wellstone sign for me in 2002. I was meant to pick it up from her the day before his plane crashed. This election is too important to lose. I have been grappling with my conscience over volunteering. Afterall, I have the time to give. This time around, merely voting is not enough so I marched myself down to Obama's St. Paul HQ today, picked up signs (one for the front yard, one for the more heavily trafficked alley) and filled out a volunteer form. I was told, "Someone will get back to you." The office buzzed with phone calls and a steady stream of middle-aged women requesting yard signs.

~ Absolve my guilt over not taking a longer ride. Before the halfway point in this ride, I'm relieved that I've chosen the nine-mile route today.

~ Worry that the horrible condition of the bike path will cause a tire to blow. Remember that I've left the tire-repair kit in my other, larger, heavier handlebar bag. Think about moving from the River Road bike path to the road, but, ultimately, can't be bothered. I'm on the path because I need am automatic ride, i.e., no cars or buses or traffic lights to filter. Just ride.

~ Notice that the really cool modern house on East River Road and Franklin is no longer on the market. I'd love to get in this house.

~ Listen to the absolutely undated tunes and lyrics of the Sex Pistols on Never Mind the Bollocks. Wonder if anyone can hear me singing along, aloud.

~ Try not to freak out about the economy and our current banking crisis.

~ Wonder why only seniors and joggers use the bike path. Feel like a goof, momentarily. Dudes on Specializeds and Orbeas blow past me.

~ Reflect on John's answer to the question, "what do you think about when you cycle?" He thinks about cadence and rhythm.

~ Attack the hills, as best I can.

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