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My first entry for a book! Although I hadn't heard of the anarchist collective CrimethInc., I'm very familiar with the contemporary social-protest movement in which they participate. Even if you don't believe in their politics (which are extreme) or their tactics (ditto), you have to applaud the good fight. It doesn't seem as if our traditional electorate system or current political candidates speak for the truly disenfranchised. Our sociocultural values, especially when it comes to consumerism, are very, very warped.
Days of War, Nights of Love is a collection of political, social and philosophicalanarchist collective CrimethInc.. Most essays advocate the fight for personal freedom, alternate choices and lifestyles. Some of the book is devoted to the criticism of capitalism, statism, and mass-consumerism, arguing that these things dehumanize the individual and decrease the general quality of life. Published in 2000, by the CrimethInc. ex-Workers' Collective, many of the writings contained therein are currently available free online. essays written and published byLikewise, a "copyright" statement in the book allows for the book to be redistributed freely:
English language (and all applications thereof) used without permission from its inventors, writers, and copywriters. No rights reserved. All parts of this book may be reproduced and transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, especially including photocopying if it is done at the expense of some unsuspecting corporation. Other recommended methods include broadcasting reading over pirate radio, reprinting tracts in unwary newspapers, and just signing your own name to this and publishing it as your own work. Any claim relating to copyright infringement, advocation of illegal activities, defamation of character, incitement to riot, treason, etc. should be addressed directly to your Congressperson as a military rather than civil issue.
– Days of War, Nights of Love, page 4
There are whole passages taken from Hakim Bey's Temporary Autonomous Zone[1] word for word that are never acknowledged and it is unclear whether Bey has been informed, as per his desire.
The title of the book references Days and Nights of Love and War, by Eduardo Galeano, a book about political struggle in Latin America, and has in turn inspired the title of rock band Papa Roach's album Days of War, Nights of Love, which has since been renamed Metamorphosis.
Days of War has been translated into Icelandic as Dansad Á Ösku Dagannaimage),[2] and is in the process of being translated into Czech by the PragueIdeozlocin. It's already translated into Polish and looking for a publisher.
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