Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Remodel: Day Five

Today was a quiet day. The roofer was the only worker today, and I barely heard him. He prepped the area around the new venting, which was the HVAC specialist's contribution yesterday. I just noticed it for the first time from Winston's bedroom (pictured above). Shiny.

The electrician was scheduled to be here today but is coming on Wednesday instead. The plumber will be here on Wednesday as well. So Wednesday will not be a quiet day with disruptions to power and water likely. I tried to make the most of being at home and the ability to use water and power with impunity. I washed dishes and laundry with abandon, especially the unexpected loads of laundry (keep reading).

I think the animals appreciated the quiet, too. They're a little stressed out by having strangers in the house. August just barks. But, Nancy has been protesting by peeing in various places around the house. This morning, the unmistakable tang of cat urine hit me before I even entered the boys bathroom. Nancy had peed on the bath mat and on the shower curtain. Not to be outdone, August then marked the spot on the floor where the bath mat had been, even though I'd applied the enzymatic cleaner. Argh. I have set up a litterbox in the boys' bathroom. Finding one that was small enough to fit behind the door wasn't easy but I did find a biodegradable box, which works with the temporary nature of this setup. My hope is that by creating an accessible spot for them to do their business, they won't need to walk through the construction zone to get to their litterbox. Poor stressed-out animals, indeed.

1 comment:

Caryl said...

I love that you are keeping a record this adventure. I'm excited for you! And crossing my fingers the animals calm down and settle in for the ride.